Gift left by will | A government run by a dictator| One who always runs away from danger | A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost | One who despises persons of lower social position | Gradual recovery from illness |
An office or post with no work but high pay| Commencement of words with the same letter |
Choose the correct word for the given sentence-
1. Gift left by will
[2] Parsimony
[3] Legacy
[4] Property
2. A government run by a dictator
[1] Democracy
[2] Autocracy
[3] Oligarchy
[4] Theocracy
3. One who always runs away from danger
[2] Autocracy
[3] Oligarchy
[4] Theocracy
3. One who always runs away from danger
[1] Escapist
[2] Timid
[3] Coward
[4] Shirker
4. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost
[2] Timid
[3] Coward
[4] Shirker
4. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost
[1] Ode
[2] Epic
[3] Sonnet
[4] Elegy
5. One who despises persons of lower social position
[2] Epic
[3] Sonnet
[4] Elegy
5. One who despises persons of lower social position
[1] Prim
[2] Snob
[3] Prig
[4] Aristocrat
6. Gradual recovery from illness
[2] Snob
[3] Prig
[4] Aristocrat
6. Gradual recovery from illness
[1] Hysteria
[2] Amnesia
[3] Superannuation
[4] Convalescence
7. One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him
[2] Amnesia
[3] Superannuation
[4] Convalescence
7. One who is determined to exact full vengeance for wrongs done to him
[1] Vindicator
[2] Usurer
[3] Vindictive
[4] Virulent
8. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good
[2] Usurer
[3] Vindictive
[4] Virulent
8. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good
[1] Stoic
[2] Hedonist
[3] Epicure
[4] Sensual
9. Commencement of words with the same letter
[2] Hedonist
[3] Epicure
[4] Sensual
9. Commencement of words with the same letter
[1] Rhyme
[2] Alliteration
[3] Pun
[4] Oxymoron
10. An office or post with no work but high pay
[2] Alliteration
[3] Pun
[4] Oxymoron
10. An office or post with no work but high pay
[1] Honorary
[2] Sinecure
[3] Gratis
[4] Ex-Officer
[2] Sinecure
[3] Gratis
[4] Ex-Officer
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