Person who believes that God is every thing and everything is God | Person who pilots or travels in a balloon, airship or other aircraft| Witty, clever retort| Words different in meaning but similar in sound | Simplest and smallest form of plant life, present in air,water and soil; essential to life but many cause disease| A person who regards the whole world as his country |
A girl or woman who flirts, that is, tries to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity|
Choose the correct word for the given sentence-
1. Person who believes that God is every thing and everything is God
[2] Theist
[3] Pantheist
[4] Pantechnicon
2. Person who pilots or travels in a balloon, airship or other aircraft
[1] Aeronaut
[2] Astronaut
[3] Aerobat
[4] Acrobat
3. Witty, clever retort
[2] Astronaut
[3] Aerobat
[4] Acrobat
3. Witty, clever retort
[1] Sarcasm
[2] Repartee
[3] Platitude
[4] Invective
4. Words different in meaning but similar in sound
[2] Repartee
[3] Platitude
[4] Invective
4. Words different in meaning but similar in sound
[1] Homonym
[2] Synonym
[3] Acronym
[4] Antonym
5. Simplest and smallest form of plant life, present in air,water and soil; essential to life but many cause disease
[2] Synonym
[3] Acronym
[4] Antonym
5. Simplest and smallest form of plant life, present in air,water and soil; essential to life but many cause disease
[1] Virus
[2] Amoeba
[3] Bacteria
[4] Toxin
6. A girl or woman who flirts, that is, tries to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity
[2] Amoeba
[3] Bacteria
[4] Toxin
6. A girl or woman who flirts, that is, tries to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity
[1] Prostitute
[2] Coquette
[3] Spinster
[4] Concubine
7. A person who regards the whole world as his country
[2] Coquette
[3] Spinster
[4] Concubine
7. A person who regards the whole world as his country
[1] Patriot
[2] Nationalist
[3] Cosmopotitan
[4] Metropolitan
8. Relationship by blood or birth
[2] Nationalist
[3] Cosmopotitan
[4] Metropolitan
8. Relationship by blood or birth
[1] Parentage
[2] Affiliation
[3] Consanguinity
[4] Nepotism
9. A story in which ideas are symbolished as people
[2] Affiliation
[3] Consanguinity
[4] Nepotism
9. A story in which ideas are symbolished as people
[1] Fable
[2] Tale
[3] Anecdote
[4] Parable
10. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed
[2] Tale
[3] Anecdote
[4] Parable
10. The cessation of warfare before a treaty is signed
[1] Affidavit
[2] Agreement
[3] Armistice
[4] Amnesty
[2] Agreement
[3] Armistice
[4] Amnesty
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