A child of unusual or remarkable talent | A disease which ends in death| A person killed somebody especially for political reasons| One who loves mankind | A child who stays away from school without any good reason| A common place remark|
Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet|
Choose the correct word for the given sentence-
1. A child of unusual or remarkable talent
[1] Scholar
[2] Diligent
[3] Freak
[4] Prodigy
[1] Scholar
[2] Diligent
[3] Freak
[4] Prodigy
2. A disease which ends in death
[1] Contagious
[2] Lethal
[3] Fatal
[4] Deadly
3. A person killed somebody especially for political reasons
[1] Criminal
[2] Murderer
[3] Assassin
[4] Hangman
4. One who loves mankind
[1] Anthropologist
[2] Philanthropist
[3] Seismologist
[4] Optometrist
5. A small piece of potato
[1] Chunk
[2] Chip
[3] Scrap
[4] Bit
6. A child who stays away from school without any good reason
[1] Vagabond
[2] Delinquent
[3] Schizophrenic
[4] Truant
7. A common place remark
[1] Dialogue
[2] Platitude
[3] Epigram
[4] Statement
8. Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet
[1] Horizon
[2] Zenith
[3] Fringe
[4] Plinth
9. A person who rules without consulting the opinion of others
[1] Democrat
[2] Bureaucrat
[3] Autocrat
[4] Fanatic
10. Study of mankind
[1] Pathology
[2] Physiology
[3] Philology
[4] Anthropology
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