RETARD (N/V) [ri-tahrd]
- to make the development or progress of something slower
- slow the growth or development of
- an offensive way of describing somebody who is not intelligent or who has not developed normally (N)
- a person who has less intelligence
Mind Tricks-
Retard form Latin word retardare, from re- 'back' and tardus- 'slow'.
If you get Retired means you get Retarded.Usages-
- Development of road is being retarded by some local leaders.
SCURRILOUS (Adj.) [skur-uh-luhs]
- very rude and insulting, and intended to damage somebody's reputation
Noun- scurrility, scurrilousness
Mind Tricks-
Scurrilous comes from Latin word scurra means a person who behave badly.
Language that SCARE US is SCURRILOUS language.Usages-
- She used scurrilous words for me.
- We should not behave scurrilously.
PROLIFIC (Adj.) [pruh-lif-ik]
- producing many works, etc (of an artist, a writer)
- producing a lot of fruit, flowers, young, etc(of plants, animals, etc)
- able to produce enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants above existing in large numbers
Adverb- prolifically
Mind Tricks-
Pro(advance) life is prolific (increasing the numbers of animals and plants).
Profitable is prolific.Usages-
- Picasso was extremely prolific man.
- He is a prolific striker.
TRAUMA (N) [trou-muh]
- an injury
- a mental condition caused by severe shock, especially when the harmful effects last for long time
- any physical damage to the body caused by violence, accident or fracture
Adjective- traumatic
Mind Tricks-
Todo ma apne trauma ko aur life ko enjoy karo. (hindi)Usages-
- It can take a long time to get over such trauma.
- The children showed no signs of trauma.
CONFINE (V) [kuhn-fahyn]
- restrict, place limits
- to keep somebody or something inside the limits of a particular activity, subject , area, etc
- to keep a person or an animal in a small or closed space
Adjective- confined
Mind Tricks-
Confine comes from Latin word Confinia, as con means 'together' + finis(fine) means 'end, limit'.
On fine, he gets out of confine.Usages-
- She was confined to bed with the flu.
- He was confined to a wheelchair after the accident.
PASSION (N) [pash-uhn]
- a strong feeling or emotion
- something that is desired intensely
- any object of warm affection or devotion
Adjective- passional
Mind Tricks-
Fashion is passion.
Passion plus motorcycle is my passion.Usages-
- As time went by the passion cooled.
- He has passion for reading.
TRAMP (N/V) [tramp]
- a person with no home or job who travels from place to place, usually asking people in the street for food or money
- the sound of somebody's heavy steps
- a long walk, travel on foot
- a woman who has many sexual partners (old fashioned)
- to walk with heavy or noisy steps, especially for a long time (V)
Mind Tricks-
Travelling on RAMP(road) is TRAMP.Usages-
- She has been tramping the streets looking for a job.
- His mother was a tramp.
PILGRIM (N) [pil-grim]
- someone who travels outside of his/her home country
- a person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons
- a member of the group of English people moved to America
Pilgrim comes from Latin word peregrinus means foreign, from peregre means abroad.
A pile(large collection of somethings) of letters ,received from people, look grim for pilgrim.
Pilgrim for Pegambar.Usages-
- Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
- TV reported bemused tourist and pilgrims in St. Peter's Square.
VITIATE (V) [vish-ee-eyt]
- make imperfect
- to spoil or reduce the effect of something
Adjective- vitiated
Mind Tricks-
Vitiate taken from Latin word vitiat (V-vitiare) means "impaired".
Vitiate sounds like Vicious(anger and hatred), Vitiate is anto(opposite) of mitigate.
Vitiate sounds like 'fish we ate'; Fish we ate in party, vitiated my stomach.
Vish (hindi) ate means spoiling your health.Usages-
- Terrorist may vitiate the peace process.
- Bad relationship vitiates our social status.
RETALIATE (V) [ri-tal-ee-eyt]
- to take revenge
- to do something harmful to somebody because they have harmed you first
Adjective- retaliatory, retaliative
Mind Tricks-
Retaliate comes from Latin word 'retaliare' , re means "back, again" and taliare means "such" allover meaning "a powerful return".
Retali(a girl's name) ate her brother's tiffin as she took revenge from her brother.Usages-
They boy hit his sister, who retaliated by kicking him.
The Army retaliate from terrorist.
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