Words For Ways of Talking

English has many words for the way you talk. In this post we talk about eleven words that define our talking. Here are those words: Whine, Expostulate, Quibble, Babble, Mumble, Gibber, Expatiate, Rant, Cajole, Harangue, Stammer.


    If someone whines, they complain in an annoying crying voice. Your baby son whines for a toy gun if you don't get him the toy gun.
    • A dog whines when it is hungry.
    • Whine can be a verb and noun.
    As a noun, whine means a high and unpleasant sound that continues for a long time.
    • Whine of a baby for food.
    • Whine of a dog when its get hurt.
    • The steady whine of the engine.


    The verb expostulate means to argue, disagree or protest about something. If you expostulate with someone, you argue and disagree with them. A husband expostulates with his wife on household matters.
    • At least Trump expostulates of the same basic ideology in overt fascist terminology.


    Quibble means to argue or complain about a small matter or an unimportant thing.
    As a noun, quibble is a small and unimportant complaint about something.
    • My wife quibbles over small matter every day.
    quibble + about or over something


    If you babbles, you talk, talk, and continue talking in a confused or excited way.
    Babble means to speak in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly.
    • His wife babbled on and on until everyone had left the room.
    • Many women babbling away in a foreign language.
    As a noun, Babble means confusing sounds of many people, or a baby.
    Sound of flowing water is also called babble.


    The verb mumble means to speak or say something quietly in a way that is not clear. 
    Mumble is also used as a noun.
    • My servant spoke in a mumble.


    The verb gibber means to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand, especially because you are frightened or shocked.
    gibber + with.....
    I found a little, gibbering something with fear.


    The verb Expatiate means to speak or write in detail about a subject. I can't expatiate more upon the word expatiate.
    expatiate upon/on something
    • When the baron expatiated upon the superior practices of Europe, the Indians were baffled.


    The verb Rant means to talk about something in a loud and angry way. 
    rant + on/about something 
    rant + at somebody
    • My boss ranted at me because I didn't finish my project.


    The verb cajole means to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making promises or saying nice things.
    cajole + into
    • She has cajole her husband into going with her.
    • My roommate cajoled me into lending him money for pizza.


    The verb harangue means to speak loudly and angrily in a way that criticizes somebody or something or tries to persuade people to do something.
    Harangue is also used as a noun meaning a long loud angry speech.


    Stammer means to speak with many pauses and repetitions because you have a speech problem or because you are very nervous, frightened, etc.
    •  W-w-what? he stammered.

    In short
    Whine suggests talking or complaining about something in a childish way.

    Expostulate suggests talking or arguing with someone doing something that you are against of doing that thing.

    Quibble suggests talking or arguing over small issues that really don't matter, like arguing for some penny.

    Babble means to talk blah blah blah.

    Mumble suggests speaking indistinctly because of much less sound.

    Gibber suggest talking rapidly and incessantly because of fear of something.

    Expatiate means to express oneself at significant length.

    Rant suggests talking loudly and angrily.

    Harangue is way of talking that generally politicians use while delivery a speech to demean their competitor. 

    Stammer suggest speaking falteringly and hesitantly.

    I have read some fantastic books on English language that really helped me improve my writing. You can buy my recommended books on Amazon. Here is the lists below:

    Books on Grammar:
    Books Buy Links Rating

    The Elephants Of Style


    English Grammar in Use Book


    Practical English Usage


    The Elements of Style


    Essentials of English


    Handbook of English Grammar and Usage


    Woe Is I


    Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing


    It was the best of sentences, it was the worst of sentences.


    If you want more books on English language, click the link

    1 comment:

    1. You could be thinking of idiolect. That includes word choices and grammar choices as well as accent. Every person has their own idiolect which is usually formed of their own native dialect plus other influences like movies and books, the prevailing prestige dialect where they live, and family in joke words. https://wordmaker.info/how-many/talking.html


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