Lean 5 words instantly with the help of Latin word PLE.

Complete      Complement      Deplete     Replete    Implement        Plethora


    Complete(Adjective/Verb) means whole, entire, or having necessary parts of a thing. 
    • Company gives us complete set of videos.
    Making something complete means to make something whole or perfect.
    • I have completed my work.
    • Our house took one year to complete.
    Word root.
    The word Complete comes from "com", which expresses intensive force + Latin word "ple"(plere) that means to fill.


    Complement(Noun/Verb) means something that completes something else or makes it better.
    • A girl is complement to boy. 
    • A necktie is complement to a suit.
    As a verb, to complete something means to make it better.
    •  Desserts complement a dinner.
    • Our mind complement our body.
    Word root.
    The word Complement comes from "com", expressing intensive force + Latin word "ple"(plere) that means to fill.


    Deplete (verb) means to reduce the amount of something in the great amount.
    • Children depleted the water tanker.
    • My father depleted his all savings when he bought a new branded car.
    Word root
    Deplete comes from the prefix "de" that express reversal, or that means do the opposite of. So "de" means reverse or back and "ple" means to fill. Opposite of fill is deplete.


    Replete is just opposite of deplete.
    Replete is an adjective; it means having much or plenty of something: A child's room is replete with toy; My laptop is replete with books.
    In sense of food, replete means full of pleasant food.  If you are replete, you are full of food and drink.
    Word root
    Replete comes from prefix re meaning back or again + ple meaning to fill. Replete means to fill again.


    Implement (Noun/Verb) means to begin, to carry out any rule or plan. Generally, implement is used for rule and regulation.
    • Government is implementing the scheme for poor.
    • Some rules are not implemented in the school.
    Implement as a noun means an object to used to do work. Its synonyms are tool, instrument, or any other object that is used to do something.
    • Alora caves were cut by special implement.
    • Implements are needed for farming.
    Word roots
    Implement origins from "im" meaning in + "ple" meaning to fill. To sum up, to fill something in is to implement.

    Important Points
    Deplete is a verb.
    Replete is not a verb but an adjective.
    Plethora origins from Greek root "pleth" meaning abundance. The Latin root "ple" and Greek root "pleth" have almost the same meaning.
    Plethora means more than enough. A plethora of something means a large amount of it. If you have plethora of film tickets, you can sell it in black.

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