Can we use affection instead of infection?

No, we can't use affection as synonym of infection. However, affection and infection both words point to disease.

Quick Look

Affection vs. Infection
Affection is mostly used for love and fondness. It is used in medical science also. In medical term, however, Affection is used to indicate the malfunctioning of a body organ.

Infection is a disease caused by virus or bacteria.

affection, infection , difference between affection and infection

    What is the meaning of Affection?

    Affection is the feeling of love and fondness for someone or something. But when the word comes in pathology, it means disease, malady, or any ailment of related to the body.
    • Pulmonary affection (Lung disease)
    • A gouty affection of the penis

    What is the meaning of Infection?

    Infection is a noun. It means the process of causing a disease.
    • Poor hygiene can increase the danger of infection.
    Infection is an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus.
    • I had a serious throat infection.

    What is the difference between Affection and Infection?

    Affection indicates the malfunctioning of a particular organ of the body, for example affection of heart, affection of lungs, affection of liver, etc.
                                        Whereas an infection is caused by attacking viruses, bacteria or other disease-producing organism.

    Let's take an example:
    "Affection of lungs is caused by the infection spread by the Covid19 virus." Here, affection of lungs means malfunctioning of lungs, and infection means process of getting a disease.

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