Break vs. Brake -- Learn with Tricks

Break and brake are the very common words, but still many of us get confused while writing. We forget how they are spelled. In this post we shall learn how to memorize the spelling of these words with a rhyme.

Quick Look

Break means to damage something into pieces; to end something(like strike, relationship); to ruin something
As a noun, break means a short period of time; an opening between two things.
Brake can be a device or something else for slowing or stopping a vehicle or an activity.
As a verb, to slow a machine.

    Break vs. Brake, Break, break, brake, learn with tricks

    What is the meaning of Break?

    Break can be used in many contexts. 
    As a verb:
    1. It means to separate something into pieces
    2. to fail to do according to law, for example, 
    • He has broken the law.
    • She broke her promise.  
         3. to defeat or ruin someone
    • Politician kept putting pressure on him, but they couldn't break him.
        4. to stop working for a brief period of time
        5. to make (something, such as news) publicly known for the first time
       6. to do better than a record
       7. to find the meaning of a secret code
    As a noun:
    1. it means a crack or space between two things.
    2. a short period of time during which someone stops an activity
    3. ending of a relationship
    4. an opportunity to do something
    • I got a break in a movie.

    What is the meaning of Break?

    As a verb, Brake means to slow or stop a vehicle.
    • The bus driver brakes suddenly when someone reaches the destination.
    As a noun:
       1. Brake means a device for slowing or stopping vehicle.
    • One should always put leg on the brake.
       2. It means something used to slow or stop movement or activity of something.
    • Government should take major action to put the brakes on corruption. 


    Mind tricks: How do you remember brake and break? 

    Although we use these words many times in a day, we forget their spelling.The tricks is all about memorizing its spelling.

    Brake and Break both start with Br, but the problem point is "ake" and "eak". With the help of rhyme, we try to learn their spelling.

    Brake: Problem point is brake.
    Trick: For family's sake, use the brake!

    Break: Problem point Break
    Take a break to read;
    One more rhyme: break bread to eat.
    With rhyme, you can easily remember the words.

    In a nutshell
    Break can be used in different contexts: to destroy something, an opening space; an opportunity.
    Brake means a device used for stopping something running; to stop something.
    The differences can be memorized using rhyme tricks.

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    Books on Grammar:
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    The Elephants Of Style


    English Grammar in Use Book


    Practical English Usage


    The Elements of Style


    Essentials of English


    Handbook of English Grammar and Usage


    Woe Is I


    Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing


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    If you want more books on English language, click the link

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