7 Common Errors That You Must Know

Is police singular or plural, 
go to abroad or go abroad, 
couldn't scarcely or could scarcely, 
how to use the pronoun one 

In this post, you will learn about 7 Common Errors That You Must Know.

Wrong- One should always love his country.  
Right- One should always love one's country.  
When the word One is used as an Indefinite Demonstrative pronoun, it must have a Indefinite Demonstrative pronoun (not a Definite Demonstrative pronoun) for its consequent. 
Here his is a Definite Demonstrative pronoun.
Always use possessive pronoun one's (not your, his, her, their) with one.

Wrong- My son is a better cricketer than anyone in the team. 
Right- My son is a better cricketer than anyone else in the team. 
You must include the word other or else when comparing one member of a group with the rest of the group.

Wrong- I have the best memory of any boy in the same class. 
Right- I have the best memory of all boys in the same class. 
The noun that follows a superlative degree should not be in the singular number. Here, the best is in superlative, and any is singular. That's why you should use all not any.  

Wrong- They couldn't scarcely believe in God. 
Right- They could scarcely believe in God.  
Scarcely means almost not, certainly not.
Scarcely is a negative adverb. It has the force of a negative. Therefore, its use with another negative word like not is regarded as incorrect. 
You should avoid other negative word whenever you use the adverb scarcely.

Wrong- Rahul's grade is higher than Rajesh
Right- Rahul's grade is higher than Rajesh's.  
Here, the comparison is between Rahul's grade and Rajesh's grade, but the first sentence compares Rahul's grade to Rajesh, which is wrong.

Wrong- The Police is investigating the case. 
Right- The police are investigating the case.  
Police is a plural noun. You must be sure to use a plural verb with it.

Wrong- My mother wants to go to abroad.  
Right- My mother wants to go abroad.  
The only preposition that is used with abroad is from. We don't use other prepositions, like in, at, to etc with the adverb abroad.
Don't say, "I live in abroad, or I study in abroad."
Say, "I live abroad, or I study abroad."

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