Check grammar mistakes in sentences

a little vs little,   sure of or sure to,   verb after some,  too or so,   too or very,  at seeing or on seeing,

Checking grammar mistakes in sentences are very subtle process that takes time to get master in it.
It requires hard work and dedication to capture English grammar rules. English grammar plays very crucial role to get passed in any competitive exams. We bring you some tough questions on grammar errors.
Here, we lists link regarding Check grammar mistakes in sentences.
Check grammar mistakes in sentences 1
Check grammar mistakes in sentences 2
Check grammar mistakes in sentences 3
Check grammar mistakes in sentences 4

1. Would you (A) / get me (B) / little sugar. (C) / No error (D)

Answer: (C) use a little sugar in place of little sugar
a little and little are adjectives, and they are used before uncountable nouns like: a little/little water, a little/little sugar, etc.  We use a litte to emphasize that the amount is small, whereas, we use little to emphasize lack or scarcity of something means almost nothing.
 a little sugar means we have some amount of sugar and little sugar means we have hardly any or almost no sugar.

2. He who is assiduous (A) / in his work (B) / is sure of win. (C) / No error  (D)

Answer:  (C) use sure to wing in place of sure of win
Here, the use of preposition of  "of" is wrong. The proper phrase is sure to win.

3. Some of the books  (A) / prescribed for study this year (B) / has been out of print. (C) / No error  (D)
Answer:  (C) use have been out of print in place of has been out of print 
Here the main subject is some of the books which is plural. Hence we shall use plural "have" instead of singular verb "has".

4. He is  (A) / too foolish (B) / that he will not act. (C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (B) use so foolish in place of too foolish
Adverb too always takes the preposition to.
ex- He is too foolish to not act
Adverb so always takes that. Here "that" acts as a conjunction that joins two sentences together. So...that... is used to express a result.
ex- He is so foolish that he will not act.
If you don't want to use above those two adverb, too and so, you can use only very in sentence. However, very doesn't use to show a result.
- He is very foolish.

5. He is too much worried  (A) / about his friend's reaction (B) / to his statement. (C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (A) use very much worried in place of too much worried
As we have seen in the above sentence, too + to is used to show a purpose, result, an upcoming event.
If the sentence doesn't show any result, use very instead of too.

6. It upset him  (A) / at seeing his son(B) in such pain. (C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (B) use on seeing in place of at seeing 
At seeing is not correct phrase, On seeing is the correct phrase.
The verb see is used in involuntary sense. These words are not used in progressive sense unless they have different meaning, here seeing means meeting.

7. My sister and myself  (A) / are pleased to accept (B) / you invitation to dinner. (C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (A) use My sister and I in place of  My sister and myself
Myself, Yourself, Themself, Himself, Herself are reflective pronouns. They can't be used as a subject of a sentence.
In the sentence, use "I" in place of myself.

8. We have made plans  (A) / to go very recently (B) / to Delhi and Agra. (C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (B) use to go very soon in place of to go very recently
According to dictionary: If you have done something recently or if something happened recently, it happened only a short time ago. So recently is used for the past action, but the sentence is in present perfect tense that's why we use soon in place of recently.If something is going to happen after a short time use the adverb soon.

9. He will punish you (A) /  to break the pen (B) / which he received as an award.(C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (B) use for breaking the pen in place of to break the pen
We use for + Gerund (the '-ing' form of an English verb when used as a noun ) for the action showing the cause. look question no. 10 below for more detail ->

10. I am tired (A) / to work at  this place (B) / for  so long.(C) / No error  (D)

Answer: (B) use of working at this place in place of to work at this place
Infinitive is used to express the purpose of verb, such as, He went to market to buy a book; here infinitive to buy expressing the purpose of verb "went".
Gerund is the '-ing' form of an English verb when used as a noun.We use gerund to emphasize a cause or a purpose of noun or pronoun not verb, such as, This spoon is for eating meals; here spoon is a noun and its purpose is to eat meals.
In the sentence, tired is not a verb but an adjective of pronoun "I" that's why we use gerund working after preposition of. Use gernud after a preposition.

I have read some fantastic books on English language that really helped me improve my writing. You can buy my recommended books on Amazon. Here is the lists below:

Books on Grammar:
Books Buy Links Rating

The Elephants Of Style


English Grammar in Use Book


Practical English Usage


The Elements of Style


Essentials of English


Handbook of English Grammar and Usage


Woe Is I


Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing


It was the best of sentences, it was the worst of sentences.


If you want more books on English language, click the link

1 comment:

  1. Hi, there are many grammar checking software available when you search on google such as Check grammar, ginger software, scribens etc. But, I prefer using Grammarly as it has many other features like spell check, punctuations, cap letter check and the best it suggests the correct answer as well. Many other software just highlight the errors but don't correct them.


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