What is the difference between Commonly, Generally , Frequently, Usually ?

 Commonly, Generally , Frequently, Usually 
These four adverbs lead to mislead you. They all seem to be similar in meaning, but is misconception. 

Let's get our confusion out of our mind. We discuss them one by one.

Commonly is an adverb form of common. It means by most people, in a way common to all.
  1. Amitabh Bachchan is commonly known as Big B.
  2. Christopher is commonly known as Kit.

Generally is an adverb form of general. It means something happens in most occasions but not on every occasion.
  1. In the diet, it is generally true that the darker the fruit the higher its iron content.
  2. As a former state legislator, I generally agree with the premise that states are better at serving their citizens because they better understand their specific needs.

Frequently is an adverb form of frequent. It means doing something repeatedly, again and again.
  1. I meet him frequently.
  2. This application is updated frequently.

Usually is an adverb form of usual. It is used to describe what happens or exits mot of the time or in most cases; in the way that is usual or normal.
  1. I usually wake up at 5 am.
  2. People usually don't work on Sundays.

What is the difference between Commonly, Generally , Frequently, Usually ?
These words mean almost same thing; they have very minute differences between them. Now we shall get those minute differences.

The word commonly is used to describe an action that is common to all. If we say, "Amitabh Bachchan is commonly known as Big B", it means his pseudonym, Big B, is known by many. As commonly is taken from common: common is from Latin root "communis" means in common or in public.

Generally is used to describe an action of the greatest part done by one or by great majority of people. Let's see the example, "In the diet, it is generally true that the darker the fruit the higher its iron content". "it is generally true" in the above example means that majority of people believe that most of the fruits, not every single fruit, that become dark have higher iron content.

Frequently: If something is frequently done, it is done by many, or an action many times repeated by the same person.
"I meet him frequently" it means someone meet someone again and again.
"This application is updated frequently" it means the application is updated repeatedly.
"some of the most frequently asked question about the Internet", here "the most frequently asked question" means question asked by many in different occasions.

Usually is used to define an action that is done regularly or daily by one or many. As usually is an adverb form of usual; usual that means the most common use comes from the word "use". .
"I usually wake up at 5 am" it means I daily or regularly wake up at 5 am.

In a nutshell
Something commonly done is an action common to all.
Generally means in a general way, not detailed or specific.
Frequently means an action done many times.
Usually is used to define an action that is done regularly or daily by one or many.

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