Do you know how many meanings the word Ram has ?

It would surprise you to know that the word Ram has many different meanings. Meanings that some of you (including me) have never heard of. 
While scrutinizing my dictionary, I was surprised to know that the word Ram has many definitions- some of them were known to me, some, not. Hence I decided to write a post to include all the meaning of Ram or RAM.

Know all the meanings of Word Ram

What are the meanings of Ram as a Noun ?

A adult male sheep is called Ram.
A part in a machine that is used for hitting something very hard or for lifting or moving thing is also known as ram.

Ram is also defined as battering ram that is a large and heavy piece of wood or other material that is used to hit and break through walls and doors.

A piston, as on hydraulic press is called ram .

Ram as a verb
  • to drive or force by heavy blows
  • to strike with great force
  • to cram
  1. The drive turned the vehicle around and rammed into the building.
  2. An assistant gunner rammed a charge into a howitzer and it prematurely exploded.
  3. Kidnaper rammed the soldier's mouth with clothes.

Ram In astrology-
In the sky, the constellation or sign of Aries, a sign of the zodiac is also called ram.
Ram (Aries in Latin) is called a person born when the sun is in sign of Aries, that is between 21 March and 20 April.

In Australia, Ram means a confidence man's associate who acts as a decoy; confederate; shill. - According to

In computer Ram (RAM) is computer memory whose full form is random-access memory.
2GB of RAM, 512MB RAM

Ram In Loan department
RAM is the abbreviation of  reverse annuity mortgage. RAM is a loan aimed at senior citizens who have paid off their houses but cannot afford to stay there or need extra money for home repair, long-term care, medical treatment, or other purposes, according to

In Hindu mythology, Ram is the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. 

Words from vocabeasy
You don't need all the meanings of Ram. Only a few of them are important such as A adult male sheep is called Ram; Ram is also defined as battering ram that is a large and heavy piece of wood or other material that is used to hit and break through walls and doors; ram is to drive or force by heavy blows. That is it.

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