Abrogate or Arrogate or Abdicate or Abolish, confused?

Abrogate, Arrogate, Abdicate, Abolish 
All these four words have almost same meaning: to end. However if you scoop these words and scrutinize them one by one, you find that these words not only mean to end but mean more than that. Let's look more about them.

Abrogate (V)
  • to officially end a law, an agreement, etc.
  • If someone in a position of authority abrogates something such as law, agreement, or practice, they put an end to it.
  1. Trump is threatening to abrogate the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement with Iran by refusing to extend sanctions waivers when they expire.
  2. She is now suing Mr. Trump to abrogate a nondisclosure agreement that was supposed to prevent her from discussing the relationship.
  3. He did not hesitate to abrogate Indian treaties, though he sometimes expressed concern for Indian life.
  4. Tehran suspects the new administration is looking for reasons to abrogate the 2015 nuclear deal.

Arrogate (V)
  • to claim or take something that you have no right to
  • If someone arrogates to themselves something such as a responsibility or privilege, they claim or take it even though they have no right to do so.
  1. The priest arrogated to himself the power of the Deity.
  2. He arrogated to himself a rank, when one met him, that he was not allowed to assume in his own country.
The word arrogate in a sentence:   to arrogate ________ to ________ .

Abdicate (V)
  • to give up the position of being king or queen 
  • If a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen.
  1. This is not the time to abdicate one's civic responsibility.
  2. When free nations abdicate their political functions, they gradually lose both the capacity and the desire for freedom.

Abolish (V)
  • to officially end a law, a system or an institution
  • If someone in authority abolishes a system or practice, they formally put an end to it.
  1. The knife was good for cutting between worlds, but it couldn't abolish distance within them.
  2. You were abolished, annihilated; vaporized was the usual word.
  3. He abolished aristocracy, and established a popular government, which should fairly represent all classes of the community.

Abrogate vs. Arrogate
Most of us posit that abrogate and arrogate are synonym. However this premise is groundless.
Abrogate is used for mainly to abolish a law or custom by authoritative or formal action; to annul, whereas arrogate means to claim or seize without legal justification.
Abrogate is a legal action, whereas arrogate is illegal.

Abrogate vs. Abolish
Abrogate comes from Latin ab and rogo, ab means "away" and rogo means "to ask". In short, abrogate means to ask that a thing may be done awaySomething can't be abrogated without asking from the authority concerned. If a government wants to abrogate a law or an agreement, the public or the member of the government must consent to it.
"Abrogate means to ask, signifying to ask away, or to ask that a thing may be done away; in allusion to the custom of the Romans, among whom no law was valid unless the consent of the people was obtained by asking, and in like manner no law was unmade without asking their consent", according to George Crabb.

Abolish comes from Latin ab and oleo, which means to lose the smell, signifying to lose every trace of former existence. The word simply means to uproot a law in such a way that it can't come back. "Sati Pratha was abolished in India."

Abdicate comes from Latin ab and dicare. ab means "away" and "dicare" means "proclaim". In short, abdicate means to step down yourself from the position you have proclaimed before.

In a nutshell
  • Abrogate means to end a law after consenting the people concerned.
  • Arrogate means to take something illegally. 
  • Abdicate is a royal word reserved for a king or queen or any other person who is in powerful position. Whey they give up their position, we call they abdicate their position.
  • Abolish means to eradicate a depraved custom so that it can't step back.

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