Ver, Verus, Veri are from Latin meaning TRUE , GENUINE, ACTUAL.
Meaning:-- to state firmly and strongly that something is true
Word Aver from Latin 'ad' means to, implying + verus or ver means true.
VERY (Adj.)
Meaning:-- actual, same
Very based on Latin ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- judgment on fact
Verdict based on Latin ver means true + dict means saying.
Meaning:-- to check that something is true or accurate
Word Root-
Verify based on Latin ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- the quality of seeming to be true or real
- authenticity, appearing to be true or real
Word Root-
Verisimilitude based on Latin ver meaning true + similar.
Meaning:-- a belief or principle about life that is accepted as true
- conformity to actuality
Verity based on Latin ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- the quality of being true
- the habit of telling the truth
- unwillingness to tell lies
Veracity based on Latin ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- habitually speaking the truth
- accurate
Veracious based on Latin ver meaning true.Usages:-
- He is a veracious woman.
Meaning:-- true, really
Verily based on Latin ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- real, coinciding with reality
Word Root-
Veridical based on Latin ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- very genuine or extreme naturalism in art or literature
- the theory that rigid representation of truth and reality is essential to art and literature, and therefore the ugly and vulgar must be included
Verism based on Latin Ver meaning true.
Meaning:-- actual, not counterfeit, not copied
Veritable based on Latin Ver meaning true.
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