Advice Vs Advise
Advise (V)
Meaning:-- to tell somebody what you think they should do in a particular situation
- to give somebody help and information on a subject that you know a lot about
- I would strongly advise against going out on your own.
- Her mother was away and couldn't advise her.
Advice (N)
Meaning:-- an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation
- You need to take legal advice.
- Some advice for pregnant women.
- I hope I can pass on some useful advice.
Mind Tricks how to learn Advice is a Noun and Advise is a Verb.
Word Advice looks like A device and we know that the word device is a noun. As the word Advice and A device look very similar, we can easily recognize the word Advice as a noun.
Since the word Advise comes from Ad means "to, toward" + vise from videre or vision means "to see", we can relate the word Advise to the word See. Furthermore, we can notice the word Advise contains some part of word See (Advise+e = See). As the word See is a verb same way Advise is also a verb.
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