Immunity vs. Impunity

Immunity vs. Impunity
These same looking words mean the same thing, but they are used different ways. The ways they are used will be talked in this post.

Immunity vs. Impunity

Quick Look

Immunity means resistance from disease. It also means relief from any law, obligation, liability, or service.
Impunity means exemption from punishment.

    What is the meaning of Immunity?

    The noun Immunity means relief, and resistance.
    If you have resistance to keep yourself from being affected by a disease, you have immunity to the disease.
    1. I have developed immunity to infection.
    2. We must have developed immunity to corona virus.
    Immunity, which is given to special personality, is also used to mean special protection against particular laws.
    Immunity is also used to mean a state of being exempt from a disease, liability, obligation, or service.  
    1. Bill Gates was granted immunity from liability.
    2. Israel have developed the vaccine that provides immunity against corona virus.

    What is the meaning of Impunity?

    The noun Impunity means relief or freedom from punishment, or harm.
    If a person does something bad with impunity, they do not get punished for what they have done.
    "The students continue to cheat with impunity" it means "The students continue to cheat without punishment." 
    "Public servants take bribe with impunity" means they take bribe freely without fear of law or punishment.
    1. Our politicians break the law with impunity.
    2. The young students set fires on buses and shops with impunity.

    Important point:
    Immunity frequently takes to, from, and against.
    to and against is used especially in reference to disease:
    immunity to infection
    immunity against flu
    from is used for the state:
    immunity from taxation
    immunity from prosecution

    Impunity takes preposition with.
    He broke the law with impunity.


    Immunity derives from the Latin immunis meaning exempt. Immunis from in- not + munis 'ready for service.'
    Impunity comes from the Latin impunis meaning unpunished, from in- 'not' + poena 'penalty' or punire 'punish'.

    What is the difference between immunity and impunity?

    As immunity, and impunity both mean exemption. 

    Immunity means safety from a disease or any other harm; exemption from any obligation, or liability.

    Impunity is more used in meaning exemption from punishment, for example " The King committed rape with impunity": it means the King was not punishable, he could rape any girl or woman. However, it is less used in meaning "freedom from unpleasant consequences
    ', or "freedom from danger", for example, Stray dogs kill deer with impunity.

    The main difference between impunity, and immunity is that impunity means you can't be punished by whatever threatens others, whereas immunity means you have resistance to whatever horrible might threaten those who have no such resistance.

    Those who enjoy impunity have special immunity.

    What is diplomatic immunity?

    Diplomatic immunity is like a special rights given to foreign diplomats in the country where they are working.
    Under diplomatic immunity, diplomats cannot be arrested and do not have to pay taxes while working in other countries.

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