GARRULOUS (Adj.) [gar-uh-luhs]
Meaning:-- talking a lot, especially about unimportant things
Noun:- Garrulity, Garrulousness
Adverb:- Garrulously
Mind Tricks:-
Garrulous sounds like Girls. Girls talk a lot.
Garrulous sounds like Gorilla. Gorilla talks to each others without any sense.
TINSEL (N/V) [tin-suhl]
Meaning:-- strips of shiny material like metal, used as decorations
- impart a cheap brightness to
Adjective:- Tinselly, Tinseled
LABYRINTH (N) [lab-uh-rinth]
Meaning:-- a complicated series of paths, which it is difficult to find your way through
CORDIAL (N/Adj.) [kawr-dee-uhl]
Meaning:-- pleasant and friendly
- sweet fruit-flavoured soft drink
Noun:- Cordiality
Adverb:- cordially
INSTINCTIVE (Adj.) [in-stingk-tiv]
Meaning:-- without thinking, unthinking
- self-generated thinking (offering help to someone without thinking)
Noun:- Instinct, Instinctiveness
Adverb:- Instinctively
Mind Tricks:-
Instinctive looks like Instantaneous. Instantaneous thinking is Instinctive.
VENIAL (Adj.) [vee-nee-uhl]
Meaning:-- (of a sin or mistake) not very serious and therefore able to be forgiven
Noun:- Veniality, Venialness
Adverb:- Venially
Mind Tricks:-
Venial and Trivial both words end in "ial". Trivial means not serious.
PARSIMONY (N) [pahr-suh-moh-nee]
Meaning:-- unwilling to spend money
Mind Tricks:-
Parsimony looks like Purse + Money. Purse without money is Parsimony.
Purse mein no money parsimony. (Hindi)
TRIBULATION (N) [trib-yuh-ley-shuhn]
Meaning:-- great trouble or suffering
Verb:- Tribulate
Mind Tricks:-
Word Tribulation comes from a device Tribulum.
Tribulum is a heavy board to which sharp pieces of iron are affixed. It is used to threshing grain and cutting the straw . A lot of weight , pressure and hard work require to run a Tribulum.
Word Tribulation comes from a device Tribulum.
Tribulum is a heavy board to which sharp pieces of iron are affixed. It is used to threshing grain and cutting the straw . A lot of weight , pressure and hard work require to run a Tribulum.
Word Tribulate looks like Tribute. We tribute those people who face great trouble and suffering.
LUNACY (N) [loo-nuh-see]
Meaning:-- behaviour that is stupid or crazy
- madness
Adjective:- Lunatic
Mind Tricks:-
Lunacy comes from Latin Luna meaning moon. People believed that the changes in the moon made people go mad temporarily. - Oxford.
OBTUSE (Adj.) [uhb-tyoos]
Meaning:-- slow or unwilling to understand something
- not sharp
Noun:- Obtuseness, Obtusity
Adverb:- Obtusely
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