One who is unaffected or indifferent of joy, pain, pleasure or grief | A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom | An excessively morbid desire to steal | Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported | Intentional destruction of racial groups | A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle | A person specially interested in the study of coins and medals | An apartment building in which each apartment is owed separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas |A group of three powerful people | Operation of the body after death |Not Allowing the passage of light | Science regarding principles of classification
| A political leader appealing popular desires and prejudices | Enclosed in a small closed space
Ans:- Stoic
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Venerable
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Kleptomania
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Contraband
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Genocide
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Outrider
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Numismatist
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Condominium
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Triumvirate
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Post-mortem
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Opaque
Ans:- Taxonomy
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Demagogue
Mind Trick:-
Ans:- Claustrophobia
Mind Trick:-
| A political leader appealing popular desires and prejudices | Enclosed in a small closed space
One who is unaffected or indifferent of joy, pain, pleasure or grief
Ans:- Stoic
Mind Trick:-
Word Stoic looks like Stone. One who is Stone like solid is known as Stoic.
A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom
Ans:- Venerable
Mind Trick:-
Word Venerable sounds like Honorable. Someone is Honorable due to his/her being Venerable.
An excessively morbid desire to steal
Ans:- Kleptomania
Mind Trick:-
Word Kleptomania comes from the Greek word Kleptes and Mania. Kleptes means "thief" and mania means "madness".
Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported
Ans:- Contraband
Mind Trick:-
Word Contraband comes from Contra and Bando. Contra means against and bando means ban. Goods in an economy that are against a ban- Contraband.
Intentional destruction of racial groups
Ans:- Genocide
Mind Trick:-
Genocide from Greek genos and cide. Genos means a whole race or group of people and cide means the act of killing. More examples- Suicide, Insecticide, Regicide , etc.
A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle
Ans:- Outrider
Mind Trick:-
A person specially interested in the study of coins and medals
Ans:- Numismatist
Mind Trick:-
The word Numismatist comes from the Latin word numisma meaning currency or coin plus suffix "ist" for being specialist.
An apartment building in which each apartment is owed separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas
Ans:- Condominium
Mind Trick:-
The word Condominium comes from Latin con - 'together, with' + dominium meaning right of ownership.
A group of three powerful people
Ans:- Triumvirate
Mind Trick:-
Triumvirate comes from Tri meaning Three and Viri meaning royal man in the authority (powerful person).
Operation of the body after death
Ans:- Post-mortem
Mind Trick:-
Post means after.
Not Allowing the passage of light
Ans:- Opaque
Science regarding principles of classification
Ans:- Taxonomy
Mind Trick:-
Word Taxonomy looks like Tax + Economy. Subject Taxonomy teaches us about the Classification of Tax on Economy.
A political leader appealing popular desires and prejudices / A political leader who tries to win support by using arguments based on emotion rather than reason.
Ans:- Demagogue
Mind Trick:-
Demagogue from Greek words demos meaning the people and agogs meaning leading.
Enclosed in a small closed space
Ans:- Claustrophobia
Mind Trick:-
Phobia means to fear and Claustro looks like Close. Claustrophobia is a fear of being closed.
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