Excursion, Ramble, Tour, Trip, Jaunt

 Excursion, Ramble, Tour, Trip, Jaunt

Let's see the difference between these words that sound like synonyms, but they are not.


    A short journey is refer as an excursion especially if it is made for pleasure or enjoyment. Excursion is organized by travelling company for a group of people.

    • Our friends have gone on excursion to holy places.
    • Along with her mother, brothers, and family friends, Mollie went on carriage excursions around the city.


    It means continuously walking for pleasure. If you ramble, you go on long walk in nature rich places. When you ramble, you don't worry about reaching your destination. You freely move here and there.

    • We went for a ramble along the beach.
    • His grandmother’s house was a rambling gray stone mansion on twelve acres in North Vancouver.


    As a noun, a tour is a journey during which you visit several places that you love to visit. It is a journey made for pleasure during which several different towns, countries, etc. are visited. If your are on a tour of India, you likely going to visit Taj Mahal and other spiritual places in India.

    As a verb, tour means to travel around a place, for example on holiday/vacation, or to perform, to advertise something, etc.

    • The tour of Berkeley would play a critical role in allowing men acquainted chiefly as professional colleagues to take one another’s measure as individuals.
    • It is estimated that 95 percent of them come to Birmingham specifically to tour the Institute.


    A trip is a journey that you make to a particular place for some purpose (usually including the return).

    As a verb, it means to hit your foot against something while you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall.

    • It was a quick trip through the house to the study.
    • My dad normally visited my mom alone because I was too nervous to make the trip.


    A jaunt is a short  and quick journey that you make for pleasure. 

    • Maybe she was off on another three-day jaunt to Mississippi, or temporarily joining the circus.
    • Want to get her approval for a two-week jaunt to Australia?

    When to use them ?

    Excursion signifies going out on prescribed path. People go for excursion for pleasure not for any serious  or important reason.

    Ramble signifies going out without any prescribed path. It signifies moving around freely. It is continuously walking here and there without  worrying about destination.

    Tour signifies a circuitous path. It takes longer period of time.  You go very slowly taking too much of time.

    Trip signifies walking on foot. It is a pedestrian excursion.

    Jaunt signifies short journey that is going and returning in short period of time.

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