Is Corona virus disease Endemic, Epidemic, or Pandemic?

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Is Corona virus disease Endemic, Epidemic, or Pandemic? vocabeasy, Endemic, Epidemic, Pandemic


Quick Look

Endemic is something that is deep rooted or native in a particular area; it may be a disease or something else present.
Epidemic is something that is prevalent and spreading rapidly in a particular region or community; it might be a disease or any other thing.
Pandemic is something that is omnipresent, meaning can be found everywhere.

    What is the meaning of Endemic?

    Endemic is a condition or problem (disease or illness) that is generally found in a particular small place or among a particular group or people and can be difficult to get rid of them easily. Something very common in a particular area or field is also known as endemic, like "honesty is endemic in our community". Something deep rooted.
    • Corruption is endemic in our democracy. 
    • Malaria is endemic in many countries, like India, China, Pakistan, etc.

    What is the meaning of Epidemic?

    Epidemic is defined as a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community. 
    It can also be defined as an bad activity that suddenly increases and spreading rapidly.
    • A flu epidemic has occurred.
    • An epidemic of cholera.
    • A recent report describes an epidemic of crime in the inner cities.

    What is the meaning of Pandemic?

    Pandemic is something that exist everywhere in the world. It can be a disease. 
    A pandemic disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world.
    • A pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 (coronavirus).

    Mind trick with the help of their etymology:

    Endemic comes from the Greek "endemos", meaning "native, indigenous", from en- "in" + "demos"- people. 
    It is used not only to describe disease but to describe anything bad that is available in a particular area for a long period of time: native and deep-rooted.

    Epidemic comes from the Greek "epidemia" ''prevalence of disease'', from epi- "upon" + demos- " people". Something-diseases or any bad thing-prevailing upon people is called epidemic.

    Pandemic comes from the Greek "pandemos", from pan- "all" + demos- "people". A disease spreads over all the people of the world.

    What is the difference between Endemic, Epidemic, and Pandemic?

    Generally these three words are used for diseases.
    In reference to diseases, the difference is as follows:

    An endemic disease occurs over a longer period in a particular region, usually small and restricted region. These diseases are native in a place. They are always there; they were there, and they will be there.  
    Malaria is endemic disease in some parts of Africa because of hot weather.
    Typhoid is endemic disease in dirty region.
    Dengue is an endemic disease in some part of India, like Delhi.

    An epidemic disease is generally contagious, spreads quickly, and afflicts large number of people or animals.
    Corona virus disease is an epidemic disease that started from a small part of China.

    A pandemic disease is an epidemic disease that spread over a wide area, an entire country, or the whole part of the world.
    Corona virus has become a pandemic disease; it has spread over the whole part of the world.

    According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a disease is endemic when its presence or usual prevalence in the population is constant. When the cases begin to rise, it is classified as an epidemic. If this epidemic has been recorded in several countries and areas, it is called a pandemic.

    According to The Columbia Guide to Standard American English:
    Something endemic is native to a particular place or always to be found in a particular region, as are some plants or trees or certain pathological conditions that neither increase nor decrease but are simply always present there. Something epidemic is prevalent and spreading rapidly in a particular region or community, as might a contagious disease; something pandemic is omnipresent, spread over a huge area, to be found everywhere: Malnutrition is pandemic in the Horn of Africa, but this season starvation is epidemic there as well.

    How to use Endemic, Epidemic, and Pandemic?

    Endemic is used not only to describe disease but to describe anything bad that is available in a particular area for a long period of time: that is native and deep-rooted.

    For example, Starving is endemic in many African countries.

    Endemic can also be used as a noun, but only in rare and specialist context: a biological term for an endemic plant or animal, one that is native to and restricted to particular area.
    • Kangaroo is endemic in Australia.
    • Bengal tiger is endemic in India.

    Other than disease, epidemic is also used to mean spread rapidly of something: a sudden quickly spreading occurrence of something harmful or unwanted.
    • An epidemic of crime in the cities is getting worse day by day.
    • an epidemic of murders

    We can use the word pandemic to mean existing everywhere of something other than diseases.
    • Pandemic fear of nuclear war.
    • Pandemic crime against woman.

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