Later or Latter

Later Vs Latter
The usages of the word "later" itself confuses many. Confusion arises more when a word "latter" with an extra "t" happens by.

Latter, later vs latter, meaning of latter

Later (Adj./Adv.)
  • some time after now, after the time you are talking about
  • coming after something else or at a time in the future (Adjective)
  1. She met her friends again three years later. (as an adverb)
  2. We will discuss it in later chapter. (as an adjective.)

Latter (Adj./Noun)
  • the second or last of two things, people or groups that have just been mentioned, or the last in a list of two.
  1. He gives two points; the latter point is the most important.

Mind Trick:
Later means afterwards in time. 
Latter always compares two things, as it is defined as the last of two things. With the help of two "tt" in the word, one can guess that it compares two things: former t and latter t.

Confusion about Later
Later is also the comparative degree of Late, as "Late Later Latest". 
As we know the word Late means the immediate past or just previous to the present time.
When we compare between two things or people: which one is more late we use the word later
more late = later
  • Be careful here, as a comparative degree later (more late) says about past in time.
  • As an adjective and adverb, later says about future in time. "I will do it later." 

More about Latter:
Latter is used when two choices have been offered, one says, "The latter choice is better." 
Latter can't be used to refer to the last of three or more things.
"We have visited six places. The latter was very nice". (Wrong)
Use last in place of latter

What says about "Later":
Later can also mean more recent, as in "Which is the later movie, Gone with the Wind or Citizen Kane?" It can mean toward the end: “He made that movie later in his career.” It can also mean after, as in "You were later than I thought you'd be!" It can also be used in comparison: "He was late; I was later." All these uses are about time, and how time keeps moving on from now to later.

In a nutshell
Later means afterwards in time, whereas latter is the last of two things.
Use Later for time, whereas use latter to refer to the second of two persons or things. 

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