Eligible or Illegible ?

Eligible vs Illegible
What is the difference between Eligible and Illegible ?                                                                                                                     
Eligible (Adj)
  • a person who is eligible for something or to do something, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.
  • qualified for, allowed or worthy of being chosen
  • fit, suitable, right qualifications
  1. I am eligible for the post.
  2. You are above 18 that means eligible to vote in your country.

Illegible (Adj.)
  • difficult or impossible to read
  1. An illegible signature.
  2. An illegible handwriting.                                                                                                                            
How to learn -

Words Eligible and Illegible come from same suffix- Legible from Latin "legere" means to read or to pick.
Now come to word Eligible, eligible comes from e-(short form of "ex") means out + Latin suffix "legere" means to pick. So to pick something out is what we call Eligible.
Same way Illegible comes from Prefix Il means "not" such as Illegal (not legal) + same Latin word legere as in word eligible means to read or to pick.  Il means "not" + Legible means "to read". So something Illigible is not able to read. 
-> Always keep in mind Ex and Il in Eligible and Illegible respectively.

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