Words On Laughter

Giggle              Guffaw               Snicker                 Chuckle  Cachinnation                  Chortle                  Simper         Titter                                      Grin                 Tehee
 Giggle (V/N)
  • a slight silly repeated laugh
  • to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous
You giggle when you joke on someone and at the same time you get nervous whether he likes jokes or not.

Guffaw (V)
  • to laugh noisily, laugh boisterously
This is a great laughter by a big man or a demon. 

Snicker (V)
  • a disrespectful laugh
  • to laugh in a unpleasant way, especially at something rude or at somebody's problems or mistakes
This type of laughing makes you rude among your friends.  You snicker behind  when your friend is being scolded by boss.

Chuckle (V)
  • to laugh quietly ,
  • a soundless and pleasant laugh
You chuckle thinking about some good memory of your past . You need some good memory to chuckle.

Cachinnation (V) 
  • to laugh loudly in an unrestrained way
This is not a good way of laughing. If someone in your family cachinnates among your friends, you will get very embarrassed and in leisure period you would tell them a good way of laughing.

Chortle (V)
  • to laugh with pleasure
  • a soft partly suppressed laugh
This is a way of gentle man laughing. Simply smile showing you white teeth.

Simper (V)
  •  a silly self conscious smile
  • to smile in an artificial way
You simper without any reason. One simpers without any jokes. This is a senseless laughing.
 "Laughing is the best medicine but if you are laughing for no reason, you need medicine."

Titter (V)
  • an awkward laugh at somebody or something
You laugh where you should not laugh is called titter. You titter in front of  an older and respected one i.e. a teacher, grand father that does not seem good behavior.

Grin (V/N)
  • a laugh revealing your all teeth
  • a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth
A way of laughing where you show your teeth is called Grin. You must have to show you teeth when you grin.

Tehee/ Teehee (N/V)
  • to laugh in a disrespectful and mocking manner
Your laughter is tehee when you copy other's laughter in order to abuse them.

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