Cloze Test For Competitive Exams (4)

Cloze Test For Bank, SSC, MBA Entrance Exams..............
Fill in the blanks with appropriate word
Test 1                                                                 SBI Bank PO- 2003
The first proposal I submitted for my dissertation at UCLA was to write a theory of personality. My chairman, a kindly man, smiled  1. and told me that perhaps this was a bit ambitious for a young graduate student.
               2. , I accepted his verdict and changed my topic, but not my desire. It  3.later, when I had a chance to begin to 4. a theory in my research on group dynamics for the Navy during the Korean War.
                     As I  5. on the reasons for the persistence of my interest in the overarching theory, I had an 6. memory. When I was around eight years old, I was a 7. baseball fan, as was my father. My hero was Lou Gohrig. I would approach my father in an attempt to prove to him how good Gohrig really was: "He hit 363, has 49 home runs, batted in 165 runs He's terrific!" My father's response caught me off guard: "Yes, but he can't field." I wasn't prepared for that. From then on, my way of 8. with my father's responses was to make sure I knew everything about any topic I wanted to talk to him about. Partly as a 9. I became a holist. I had to make sure I had 10. for everything.

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Test 2
Actually everyday we are engaged in this business of 'reading' people. We do it 1..We want to figure others out. So we 2. make guesses about what others think, value, want and feel and we do so based on our 3. beliefs and understandings about human nature. We do so because if we can figure out 4. and intentions of others the possibility of them 5. or hurting us 6.  and this will help us to 7. a lot unnecessary pain and trouble. We also make second-guesses about what they will do in future, how they will 8. if we make this or that response. We  do all this second-guessing  based upon our 9.of what we believe about the person's inner nature 10. his or her roles and manners. We mind-reader their 11. motives.
                 Also, everyday we misguess and misread. Why? Because of the complexity, 12., and multidimensional functioning of people. After all, how well do you 'read' your own thoughts, aims, values, motives, beliefs, etc? How well do you know your own structuring process- your own thinking and 13. styles?

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