- to remove some contents of a book, movies that seem offensive for public
- to edit offensive parts out of book, play, movies or any others
Bowdlerize comes from the name of an English physician Thomas Bowlder. Who published different edition of Shakespeare's work. In that edition he excluded sexual words that could not be read aloud in the family. Some bards appreciated him with great applause, but some did not. Some treated his work as a joke and they began to use bowdlerize as a synonym for expurgate.
- abuse
- abusive language
- a kind of profane and abusive language
Billingsgate is a name of city gate in London, which is supposed to have been named after a man named Billing. The fish market grew up in that area with the center of foul and abusive language. That area near the Billingsgate was well known for the bad language of the people who worked there. So today when we speak of billingsgate, it is abusive talk more.
- exaggeration
- excess praising and talking than actual something
Hyperbole is a way of speaking extravagant overstatement. Hyperbole is made up of two words hyper and ballein, hyper means over and ballein means throw. Praising yourself as the best man ever on the earth is like being hyperbole.
- a type of weekly or monthly book, containing articles with some photographs on page
- a part of gun that holds the bullets
- a store room that stores something
Origin Of Magazine:-
Magazine comes from Arabian word makhzan that meant storehouse. Books are also called magazines because of being storehouse of knowledge. Magazine is the part of gun that acts like storehouse of bullets.
In French the magasin means a department store.
SUBTLE (Adj.)- [suht-l]
- difficult to detect
- keen in discernment
- not very clearly noticeable
- difficult to make difference
Subtle comes from Latin word subtilis means finespun. Word subtle is the combination of two words sub and tela, sub means beneath, tela means web. So subtle means weaving the words with extreme and fine delicacy.
Be careful in pronunciation Subtle pronounces like suttle.
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