College vs Collage
College (N) -
- a place where you can study for higher or more specialist qualifications after you finish high school
- an organized group of professional people with special interest, duties or powers
eg. the Royal College of Physicians, the American College of Cardiology
- a place where students go to study or to receive after they have left school
Collage (N) -
- the art of making a picture by sticking pieces of coloured paper, cloth, or photographs onto a surface
- a collection of things, which may be similar or different
Collage and College - Confusion arises from a and e after ll.Origin-
Word Collage comes from Old French word "coller" means " to glue" and Coller comes from Greek word "kolla" means "glue."
Word College comes from Latin word "collegium" means "partnership" as "col" means "together with" + legare means "depute"
College is for student, here word student carries "e" that is used in word college after ll (double l).
Collage for pasting some coloured paper, here letter "a" from word paste same as in word collage after ll
(double l).
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